What is Uncanoonuc Foraging Company?
The Uncanoonucs are side-by-side, north and south peaks located in Goffstown, NH. The original Abenaki name was Ongocunonock, meaning hills of bears. I assume they weren't talking about mushrooms, but that's what I found back in 2018. A Hericium americanum, or bear's head tooth, while hiking on South Unc. And that was it, I dove into the world of fungi with both feet and I continue to swim in these mycelial-filled depths learning as much as I can.
Eating mushrooms has become secondary to learning about fungi. It's important to know what they do, how they do it, and what purpose they serve. With a background in art and teaching, passing my knowledge along to others through immersive experiences in the woods comes naturally to me. When I'm not guiding groups or showing people what they have on their land, I'm foraging, rolling logs, photographing, and continuing to learn. I sell to restaurants and individuals simply because I can't possibly eat everything I gather! I hope you'll join me in the woods!

Get in Touch!
For information regarding private walks, or any general questions, please feel free to reach out.